My questions...your answers
OK, my kid question got lots of responses so here's another.
Published on July 18, 2006 By Question of the Day In Parenting
when I was a child I got spanked, too often and too hard. My mother's favorite "tool" was hot wheel tracks - remember the old white vinyl with the red stripes? Well my tush had a few red stripes of its own when she got done! Not nice! I was scared of her. Shoot, even the dog ran away when mom started to yell.


Did your parents spank you?
Did it do any good?
Do you spank your kids?
Why/why not?
For those who do - do you really think it works?
For those who don't - what form of disciple do you use? do you really think it works?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 19, 2006

My mother used a belt, doubled,  to beat me with,  along with slaps on my face

What good did it do?  ~  I was afraid to not do as told,   never got angry,  and tried to be only happy and do as told.

No,  I didn't spank my children because I believe it only teaches them that physical force is how to handle issues,  and mis-behavior.  Ever watch a 4 year old playing with her/his toys if they've been beat?  They spank the doll,  play violently with toys,  act out.

  I used time outs,  took away toys,  then privileges such as tv time, or going outside to play.  I also made sure my kids were allowed to have their emotions,  to own them and express them without getting slapped.

on Jul 20, 2006
I used time outs, took away toys, then privileges such as tv time, or going outside to play. I also made sure my kids were allowed to have their emotions, to own them and express them without getting slapped.

Trudy, that is spot on.
on Jul 20, 2006
seems to be used more out of frustration than as a way to effect behavior.

And that's why I've stopped, for the most part. I saw myself doing it for those reasons.

Mostly, I tell my kids if they're good then they'll get Reward X. I have really good kids, though, so I don't have to worry too much about not giving it to them.

I'm still guilty of the little 'immediate correction' swats on the butt occasionally. (Still trying to quit completely.)
on Jul 20, 2006
I also made sure my kids were allowed to have their emotions, to own them and express them without getting slapped.


Will you adopt me? My parents still think I'm not allowed to express myself - and I'm not talking about yelling and cursing and throwing things - Just anything different from their world view.

on Jul 20, 2006

Will you adopt me?

well sure. I've been looking for someone to adopt ME too! my mom was like that, wouldn't allow me to have feelings, if they weren't positive, and I sure as heck couldn't have a discussion with her. It was her way or leave. So I left. At age 19. No, I was 18.

My mom went so far as to draw blood on my kid sister....used the belt buckle on her.

There's a lot topic tho! Thank you
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