My questions...your answers
or any other sexually explicit material?
Published on July 28, 2006 By Question of the Day In Personal Computing

Me: yes. One of my favorite sites is 'eroticstories'.  I've also googled all the usual anatomical words.

How about you?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 28, 2006
Ummm....If I said no, would you believe me?

on Jul 28, 2006
No, because:

1) I still have a set of National Geographic from the 60s & 70s
2) It's more fun to just make up a porn site name, throw it in the address bar and hit 'go'.
on Jul 28, 2006
how does one do an unintentional seartch?
on Jul 28, 2006
I still have a set of National Geographic from the 60s & 70s

on Jul 28, 2006
how does one do an unintentional seartch?

It could happen.
Say, you wanted some info on Christopher Lloyd's character in Buckaroo Bonzai - and you accidentally typed a search for Bigbooty
on Jul 28, 2006
This is a true story...My wife wanted to find some sporting good for our son when he became intrested in golf. Knowing one of the larger sporting goods stores in our area was Dicks Sports, she typed in "Dicks dot com". You can imagen the look on her face when the page came up!
on Jul 28, 2006
on Jul 29, 2006
on Jul 29, 2006

on Jul 29, 2006

If we MUST have what amounts to spammed tripe let's at least NOT provide links to porn sites.


on Jul 29, 2006
*looks at the Porn folder in bookmarks*

on Jul 29, 2006
and you accidentally typed a search for Bigbooty

on Jul 29, 2006
Why do you need to search?   
on Jul 29, 2006
Of course. Not so much anymore. When I have a girlfriend, I tend to ignore the porn . But when I was in school, people would stumble upon porn sites quite often. 3 that stick in my mind would be blackhole, whitehouse, and countrys (I have no idea if any of them are still in operation however).

I perfer live streams... *cough*

on Jul 29, 2006

how does one do an unintentional seartch?

Have a friend give you the wrong URL!

Yes, but it was part of my job (testing filters for a school division).

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