My questions...your answers
Published on August 11, 2006 By Question of the Day In Misc
I'm electrical engineer. It's all I ever dreamed of doing.

Unfortunately I'm currently working as a packaging engineer. It sucks. Boooring...boooring. As a result I don't do my job. As a result I don't get good performance reviews. As a result they won't let me have an electrical engineering job until I improve my performance.

Change will require me to move on to a new company. Right now that's not going to happen.

So that's my story. What's yours?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 11, 2006
Well actually.. I'm kinda living my dream job. Though not to the exact point.. since well I'm Military.

I've always wanted to work in business management/accounting etc.. because I'm extremely (as friends/coworkers tell me 'gifted') with numbers.... I love the work I'm doing now...

It's a lot more 'hours' than I want.. (heck who wouldn't hate working around 70-80 hours a week LoL) but I still Love the job....
on Aug 11, 2006

Doctor.  Urologic surgeon to be precise.

I'm doing my residency, on my way there.

on Aug 11, 2006
Stardock employee for the win.
on Aug 11, 2006
Matress tester
on Aug 11, 2006
I would love to travel. I think being a travel host for a travel show would be an awesome job. Getting to see the world and getting paid for it. What could be better?
on Aug 11, 2006
Living large and idly on a big boat in the Gulf of Mexico off the massive income from all my wise investments. But if that doesn't pan out I'll settle for driving a school bus and raising cattle.
on Aug 12, 2006
Making a living as a songwriter. I still have my songwritings stashed away in a safe place...just in case.

Btw, what I'm doing now, teaching, was never my "dream", but I have grown to love and enjoy it.
on Aug 12, 2006
Felt much the same,then retired. Boring Boring Boring. Be thankful that you have something, something is better than nothing.
on Aug 12, 2006
Felt much the same,then retired. Boring Boring Boring. Be thankful that you have something, something is better than nothing.
on Aug 12, 2006
Felt much the same,then retired. Boring Boring Boring.

Ohhh, I'd love to retire now. I'd never be bored. No, really. I can keep myself busy quite will.
on Aug 12, 2006

Hey!  I got a degree in Econ.  Actually used it too!

But my heart is in Computers and Networks!

You live where you want to.

on Aug 12, 2006
I'd like to get paid and paid WELL (heh) for something I love to, read, write, take walks, eat. I just can't figure out what they'd call that Master's Degree.

Perhaps a Masters of Lazybutt Central?

Whatever, as long as it pays!
on Aug 13, 2006
I treat people at Walk-In Clinics and it is my dream job. Software engineering and family practice were near misses for me. I had to try something different. Now, most mornings, I can't wait to get started.
on Aug 13, 2006
Besides sex machine?

Zoologist...or something close. I'm heading off to college to work on it, so we'll see how it turns out.

on Aug 18, 2006
I am a semi-retired school principal. I still teach and it's a damn sight better than being a principal. If I could have a dream job I'd like to work in a polytunnel growing vegetables. I tried for a job like this in England once and the reply was: You're a teacher--what do you know about vegetables?' Hmmph! So I grew the most beauitiful crops in my own backyard.
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