My questions...your answers
Personal things - not world peace (thought that would be really good right now)


1. To have my grandmother back for any amount of time I could get - one year - one month - one day - even one hour. At 69 she went to have bypass surgery. I wasn't there. She didn't make it through. I don't have many regrets in my life, but not being there that morning is at the top of the list.

2. That my husband lives as long as I do.

3. That I could have had a child.

How about you? What would you wish for?

on Jul 20, 2006
That I could truly see things as they really are.That's it.
on Jul 20, 2006
Three wishes, wow....

1. To go back in time and do it over again, knowing what I know now, from about age 12.

2. To have enough money to buy a home, car, dog and horse
3. To not end up with the health issues I have
on Jul 20, 2006
1. Eternal good health. 2. A safe, reusable, and roomy flying carpet. 3. I'm willing to consider other nominations for #3.