My questions...your answers
Published on August 5, 2006 By Question of the Day In Pets & Nature
I'm getting a new bunny and I'm not sure what to name him/her.

Here are my ideas:

boy -

girl -

either -

what do you think I should name my rabbit?

on Aug 05, 2006
Bugs of course.
on Aug 05, 2006
on Aug 05, 2006
You could name it a cute name like Floppy or Thumper ...

Or you could name it as if it was a dog or cat like Rover or Fluffy ...

But if you ever seen "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" you should named it Killer Rabbit.
on Aug 05, 2006
Or you could name it as if it was a dog or cat like Rover or Fluffy ...

Actually I was thinking of Kitty. My first rabbit was named Puppie. She died last year at seven yo.

on Aug 05, 2006
How about Snoopy? But I have to say that I really like Daisy. It's cute.
on Aug 05, 2006

Actually I was thinking of Kitty. My first rabbit was named Puppie. She died last year at seven yo.

Your new bunny is not going to be your other bunny.  Perhaps he (or she) can chose his own name by their personallity?

on Aug 05, 2006
Your new bunny is not going to be your other bunny. Perhaps he (or she) can chose his own name by their personallity?

Yep! That's probably what will happen - I'll know its name when I see him/her.

on Aug 05, 2006
I have to say that I really like Daisy. It's cute.

Yeah, I like Daisy too, but I used to work with a girl named ]Daisy so I'll always think of her when I call/see my bunny.

It's not a bad thing she was nice and all - her full name - Daisy Red - hah!
on Aug 05, 2006
Why Harvey, of course! Link

on Aug 05, 2006
on Aug 06, 2006
Billy (if it's a girl, just feminize the name to Billie).
on Oct 26, 2006
Roux or Daisy
on Oct 26, 2006
damn it whip.. I was going to say food.
on Oct 28, 2006
