My questions...your answers
Published on August 15, 2006 By Question of the Day In Blogging
I'm looking around and learning more - as suggested by LW. So to get more info I thought I'd ask all of you: Who's your favorite person here on JU?
on Aug 15, 2006
A weird mix for me. But MM, Zoomba, Dr Guy, LW and foreverserenity.
on Aug 15, 2006
For me, the following make my reading here at JU a joy:

in no order:
Johnny Masuda

I wish each ofthese folks would publish more.
on Aug 15, 2006
littlewhip, thatoneguyinslc,docguy, docmiler,foreverserenity,bakerstreet, terpfan,loca, tova,deference,suspekted, and a few my brain cannot wrap itself around.

djbandit, AD guy, {you know}maso,shovelheat,rightwinger,bluedev,dylan zimmerman,EOC kingbee,cactoblasta MasonM. this list is in no particular order EXCEPT for little whip, she is my all time fav!!
on Aug 15, 2006
I like most people here, my fav however is Col gene. I just can't get enough of his ranting hatred towards Bush.
on Aug 15, 2006

The most genius is Ockhamsrazor, but he writes close to never.

The most enjoyable is Dan Kaschel.

Muggaz is fun and crazy.

Suspekted and Buddah are amazing poets.

Don't consider what I've said on your threads when condisering these writers.  They're amazing.  I mean, disrespect me, but know that I know good writing.


on Aug 15, 2006
hmmm, Modman you know I got love for ya. Dr. Guy, Little Whip, Sally Jacobs, IslandGurl, oh and yes of course MasonM are the one's I read pretty consistently.
on Aug 15, 2006
How gosh, this question is always so difficult! I like to read a few people around, here, actually, more than a few, see my sidebar!

But my all time favs and my list is long, again see my sidebar. I'll mention again, in no particular order: MM (ELIE), Whip, Tex, Doc, Trudy, EM, Maso, Udigit, Inbloom, Gid, Shovel, Dev, Sanchonino, Kelly, NicG, Mason, Zoo, Zoomba, JennyB, Tova, HC, Locamama, Buddah, JillU, Cordelia, Simon & Dharma.

People who are not on my sidebar but I always read: Angela, Allison, Baker, Terp, DocM, Right Winger, Sally, Cara, You!

I love these people's fictional writings: Joe, Kelly, Loca, Maso, Tova & Buddah!

Thanks Elie and Cara for the mention