My questions...your answers
Published on August 26, 2006 By Question of the Day In Pets & Nature
Today, as with the past three Saturdays I took my bunny, Simon, to a local rehab facility.

It's amazing how something small and furry and can make so many seniors oooh and ahhh. This week two women said, "Oh, he's getting so big" and "He's starting to grow into those ears, isn't he?"

It's an amazing thing to see people who are non-vocal respond to him. One woman named Florence looked at him, smiled and said, "ohhh." This is a woman who I see regularly, but mostly she seems to stare right through me. It's nice to be able to connect in some way. When I asked, "Isn't he cute?" She responded, "um-hm." It's really gratifying.

It's hard for me to see changed in Simon because I'm with him every day but I know he's at least twice as big as he was when I got him. He's filling out quite nicely.

He loves to kick out those huge back feet.

on Aug 27, 2006
I took my bunny, Simon, to a local rehab facility.

My first thought was, "What is your bunny recovering from?" hehe My definition of a rehab facility is for drug rehab, so that's where my mind went.

Good for you & Simon cheering up the old folks.