My questions...your answers
Find something good
Published on October 29, 2006 By Question of the Day In Personal Relationships
Note: this is not related to anything that's going on here!

I've noticed lately that a friend of mine, a very good friend, is very judgmental. I don't like it but I don't want to call her on it. I've tried to be subtle, but it hasn't worked.

In one situation we were at the store and saw a couple that was very overweight. I notice them, but didn't make any judgment. She on the other had make a comment to me about them and how 'fat' they were. The thing is neither of us is skinny in any sense of the word. I thought as much but didn't make a scene of it.

On another occasion, we were walking out of the gym (had just used the pool) and she made a comment about all the men sitting around the weight room just gabbing. Something like, "do they come here just to talk?" The thing is all we do is swim a few laps and then hang around in the pool and then sit in the hot tub. This time I said, "well, we do do our fair share of chatting." She said, "touche." I really didn't mean it as a challenge.

I guess it's been hard on me. My habit for a long time has been to try and look at people and see the good. See their value in the world - which I believe most people have. I feel like I'm being dragged down.

So, what's your habit?

For one day will you try to see the good in everyone you meet? Will you compliment everyone you see? See what happens when you do and let me know.

on Oct 29, 2006
It's funny that you mentioned it, but I tend to make comments concernin g "heavy" people myself. It's of course besides the fact that I'm getting older and putting on a few pounds myself...seemingly daily.

Say something to your friend every time you feel "funny" about something of this nature she says. You'll be doing her a favor, and you won't feel that your holding back from a friend.

Whats my habit? I'm not sure you really want to hear about all of them, as of them can be pretty messy.

I can't see the good in all people I come across, because I may not see the good that they do. I've seen enough to know that all people are not inherently good.

No, I'm afraid I do not see myself complimenting every person I meet anytime soon. As shallow as I am, I simply do not feel that all the people I have met deserve my compliment. That makes it a bit rough to be optimistic in the future.
on Oct 29, 2006

Thanks for the honesty.

I guess I'm not looking for nor do I often give out life altering compliments. And I'm definitely not talking about lying - not even little white lies. I'm mainly talking about simple things that help people know that you've noticed them. It could be, "your hair looks nice have a beautiful smile..." Simple things like this.

I've seen enough to know that all people are not inherently good.

Yep, You're right. I've seen/lived in the bottom of the barrel so I know that "all" doesn't exist.

As shallow as I am, I simply do not feel that all the people I have met deserve my compliment. That makes it a bit rough to be optimistic in the future.

Will you tell me more about this? It seems that you're letting other people dictate your future. Am I reading wrong?

on Oct 30, 2006

No, I'm afraid I do not see myself complimenting every person I meet anytime soon. As shallow as I am, I simply do not feel that all the people I have met deserve my compliment.

I agree, but because I think that would cheapen the sincere compliments.  That does not mean going out of your way to insult people.  But honest compliments are worth a lot more than a thousand shallow ones.

on Oct 30, 2006
honest compliments are worth a lot more than a thousand shallow ones.

So you can't honestly find something good in most people? And I thought I was the pessimistic one...hmm
on Oct 30, 2006

So you can't honestly find something good in most people? And I thought I was the pessimistic one...hmm

I did not say that.  I said shallow compliments detract from honest ones. 

And we meet hundreds, perhaps more, people each day.  But often do not spend more than a minute talking to them or acknowledging their existance.  That is hardly enough time to look for a meaningful compliment. 

on Oct 30, 2006
And we meet hundreds, perhaps more, people each day.

Wow, you're a busy guy. In comparison I live a reclusive life. Yeah, it would be hard to compliment all of them.   
on Oct 30, 2006
Okay I'm going to try it. I will try to compliment everyone I meet today.

I really don't think I dog a lot of people. It takes more than just their looks to get a comment out of me.
on Oct 30, 2006
Okay I'm going to try it. I will try to compliment everyone I meet today.

Thanks Loca,

I'm interested to find out how your day goes!   
on Oct 30, 2006
Will you tell me more about this? It seems that you're letting other people dictate your future. Am I reading wrong?

Well, since I don't really think many of the people I come in contact with deserve compliments (in my eyes), I consider that I must be shallow in some respect.

As I write, I'm rethinking the matter, and I have decided to give out some compliments today, deserved or otherwise, and see how it turns out.

Do you think it would be shallow of be to tell the lady I get my smokes from that her boobs look great today...hee hee J/K.

Seriously, I'm going to try it and I'll let you know.