My questions...your answers
Where do they come from?
Published on January 13, 2007 By Question of the Day In Misc
Does anyone believe they mean anything? Any dream interpretors out there?

1. Babies anyone?

I dreamed that babies were being born out a big belly, but it wasn't attached to a person. No legs in the way. I had a list that told me what gender each one was.

I checked the list as every one came out. They came out feet first and if the feet were crossed it was a girl, if they weren't crossed it was a boy.

There was one on the list that just showed "uhhh...?" on the list, meaning that the sex wasn't known. As this baby came out the feet were not crossed so it should have been a boy, but for some reason I was expecting it to be a girl. When I turned it over it was genderless.

All the babies were like vinyl play dolls and were stacked on a counter as they were born. I don't remember any of the crying.

What on earth could this possibly mean?

2. Homeless nakedness aka nudist camp

I was living with on of my brothers and he kept walking around the house naked. It didn't seem to bother me at all. It wasn't a sexual thing. For some reason his nudity meant that our landlord was going to kick us out of the house. So we were going to live in a small camping trailer.


3. Why don't we say they breed like hamsters?

I got two hamsters and put them in separate cages. I was worried that they would get out. I guess because I've had hamsters and that's their sole desire in life - to escape. So I was getting some medicine out of a bottle and dropped them all over the place. Split-in-half pills everywhere. I was worried about the hamsters getting the pills and eating them. I tried to pick up as many as I could.

An image of a hamster with its cheek puches filled with pills was in my head. I looked in the cage and there was a pile of pills behind the hamster. I reached in and pulled the critter out so I could take the pills away. Every time I did this a new hamster would come out of a tube.

What the F????

Does anyone what to take a crack at what they mean?

Do you remember your dreams? What's the craziest one you've ever had?

on Jan 16, 2007