My questions...your answers
I need some help...
Published on February 26, 2007 By Question of the Day In Religion
I'm looking into churches in my area and I can't decide what to do. I don't know what denomination is the right one for me.

Today I went to a Baptist church where a friend attends, but it just doesn't seem to fit me. I'd never been to a baptist service before. It was very different from any church I've been to - not that I've been to very many. I've been to a Catholic church a couple of times - didn't do anything for me. Went to a Lutheran church - the only thing I remember is that there is indeed a hell (no, not the service,or the church) - The preacher seemed to be fixated on the hell and the devil (who are we worshiping here?) For years I went to a Congregational church that seemed to fit, but I can't find one in my area...u.c.c....n.a.c.c....n.a.c.c.c. hell (oops!) I don't know! I think it was nacc, but the closest is 45 minutes away. I'm not going that far.

Anyway, back to my visit to the Baptist church. There were many things I appreciated - the traditional hymns, the chorus, the friendliness of this congregation and the spiritedness (is that a word?) or energy. I also like the fact that they have three services a week - two sunday and one wednesday (Haven't found this in any other churches in the area).

But, and this is a big but, they were very loud! I'm fine with lots of 'amens' and stuff like that but I'm highly sensitive to loud noises. It's not that it hurts my ears - it's that it scares me. In one song there was some added phrase (something like 'praise God') that the people shouted. After this I was on the verge of tears and wanted to run out. If I hadn't known anyone there I would definitely have left.

And the pastor was very standoff-ish. I went up to him after the evening service to ask him about church docterine and he didn't seem interested in talking to me at all. He just asked for my address - said he didn't have anything there are the church? What?!?!? He didn't even offer to sit down and talk to me. I don't think I like him much at all. I can't help but think it was because I'm a woman.

And I was surprised that there was no mention of lent, no invocation, no Lord's prayer, and I thought it odd (maybe just different) that sometimes we would stand for readings/singing and sometimes we wouldn't. I guess I need something more traditional? Or more structures? I'm not sure these are the right words. Do you know what I mean?

Last Wednesday I felt the need to go, but I put it off. I saw my friend yesterday and she told me to come today. It was supposed to snow so I decided to wait on the weather. If it was good I'd go, if not I'd stay home. Does anyone believe in signs? There was no snow when I got up this morning so it was 'Hi-Ho Hi-ho it's off to church I go.'

The message was pretty meaningful as well - another sign? The pastor talked about Paul in prison and how he turned to God and asked, 'Lord, what wilt thou have me do?' (I'm not sure if these were the exact words - but you get the point) It's the exact question I'm asking.

Lord, what wilt thou have me do?

So, what do I believe?
Apostles' creed
open communion (at least once a month)
NIV Bible - or at least choice
religious tolerance
pro life
women's equality

What I question:
inerrancy of the Bible (maybe? I'm confused on this one)
perseverance once saved
end times
KJV only doctrine

Lord, What wilt thou have me do?

I also worry about too many little rules. I play cards on Friday nights - is that illegal? Dancing? Games? Tatoos (yes, I want a tatoo)? Alcohol (in moderation)? Swearing? I don't want to be condemned to hell because I chew gum while playing cards - for nickles - does this count as gambling? See what I mean? Where does it end?

I'm leaning towards Methodist churches. I thought maybe I would start with nondenominational, but it just seems too open. I need some kind of framework to start from - some basic tenants that I can look to to decide if I should even try it.

Lord, What wilt thou have me do?

Does anyone have any good websites for denominational comparisons? Any suggestions?

OH, and can you tell me, is it OK for me to write/highlight in my Bible?????

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 26, 2007
Definitely okay to write in your Bible, unless you don't want to.

Have you tried a non-denominational church? The ones I've been to have been great for me. Just try not to get too rule based - remember, Jesus died for your sins. You either accept it or you don't, and that's how you get into heaven. The only ones who will condemn you for 'illegal behavior' are yourself and the church, not Jesus. He wants you to do good because you love him, not because of any penalty.

As for Bibles, I like the New Living Translation and the Message. It really helps me get more out of it when I can understand what has been written.

I recommend trying a new church every week until you find one that is tolerable. If you don't like a church, maybe even ask them about different churches in the area. "Hi, great service, but it wasn't for me. Where can I go where people aren't so loud?" Okay, maybe not such a good idea. Good luck in your search though, God will lead you to the right place.

also worry about too many little rules. I play cards on Friday nights - is that illegal? Dancing? Games? Tatoos (yes, I want a tatoo)? Alcohol (in moderation)? Swearing? I don't want to be condemned to hell because I chew gum while playing cards - for nickles - does this count as gambling? See what I mean? Where does it end?

I wouldn't worry too much about playing cards for nickels, unless you mean $5,000. Dancing is great. Games are fun. Tatoos... eh. Not sure about that. Jesus drank wine(in moderation). Swearing is not great, but I think that's just my opinion. I wouldn't do it in church, though.
on Feb 26, 2007
I think a United Methodist Church would be very good for you, depending on the one that you choose to attend. I worked at one while I was doing a year of grad school in Minnesota, and I attended there, too. They had a more traditional service earlier in the morning, with more hymns and such. The later service had more praise and worship songs. I always thought of it more of a combination between lutheran and baptist services.

I think you have to remember that you might not find a church that will allow you to check everything off of your "list" that you have there. Just because a church believes the Apsostle's creed doesn't mean they recite it every Sunday. I believe it but it's not something I need to say. Same goes with the Lord's prayer. Some Methodist churches might be "loud"...and some might not be. I've been to both. I think you can even find the methodist doctrine on their webpage, probably.

I would definitely try it...I think they'll be structured enough for you, but at the same time I think they have enough leeway, too, to let you be who you are without worrying too much about the nickel card night.
on Feb 26, 2007
Thanks for the replies. Your reassurance was very comforting to me. I appreciate the advice...and I'll keep looking. I have, which I bought over a year ago and just recently opened, an NIV translation titled "The Journey:A Bible for the Spiritually Curious." Not to worry, not cult involved. It reads:

"As a seeker, you're open to the possibility that God might be real and able to make a definite difference...Several features make this book 'user-friendly' for those trying to comprehed the bible for the first time."

There are notes throughout the text that fall into six categories:

Discovering God
Reasons to Believe
Addressing Questions
Knowing Yourself
Strengthening Relationships
Managing Resources

I like the fact that there's an introduction to each book with an Outline, list of centeral ideas, and an historical timeline.

There's also a One-month reading guide that covers "Five books that contain the essential teaching of the Bible"

Is this a good place to start?
on Feb 26, 2007
I've been to many churches over the years. I know alot about the diff denominations because of this.

I would suggest you find a church that is strong into scripture. I'm a little leery about non-denominations only because there tends not to be accountability and that can be a bad thing....or good thing depending on denomination. It really, really depends on the Pastor tho. If he's a totally dedicated man to serving God than it would be fine so you'd have to get to know him before you can make this determination. Not all are in the business for this reason I'm sorry to say.

There are certain denominations I prefer only because I know that scripture is held high. Some would include Calvery, Southern Baptist, Independent Baptists, Missionary Alliance, 4C Congrgational Churches which tend to be reformed I think. I've heard Nazerenes can be a good denomination as well although I have not studied with them. I don't believe in the doctrine of soul sleep which they do.

As far as bibles, I would stick to the ones that are closest to the original Gk & the NASB, the NIV, Geneva, NKJ, or the old KJV. There is NO right bible. The only true bible would be written in the original languages. So if any say KJV only, I'd steer clear.

The Message I know some like but it's a paraphrase bible not one that is trying to stay true to the original language but can be used alongside the bibles mentioned already. I know the Life Application bible is well liked as well.

Basically what you want to do is find a church that is feeding you spiritually and one that you can be encouraged by and encourage others as well. Church was set up for two to worship God and the other to edify the body. So it's not just what you can get out of it, but also on what you can do to serve God. It's a place where you can learn about God and learn how to serve others. You go to get filled and warm and then go into the cold world to take what you know out. Once depleted you come back into fellowship to be encouraged and fed once again. It's a cycle that's unending.

We have a motto in our church. It's Reaching, Teaching, Serving & Sending.

That's really what its all about. You reach out to them, you teach them, serve them and then send them out to do the same.

Here's a great site that I think will answer alot of your questions.....and it's a non-denominational site and a great resource to have....

WWW Link

good luck in your search...perphaps you can do a follow up?

on Feb 26, 2007
oh and one more's a great thing to mark up your bible. By doing so you can basically create a road map that will help you. You should see mine. Ha! It's got tons of notes I pick up along the way and want to remember. I also tend to write the Gk words in there that have special fact I'm just about to blog on the GK word for forgiveness....check back it's pretty interesting.

on Feb 26, 2007
Definitely okay to write in your Bible, unless you don't want to.Have you tried a non-denominational church? The ones I've been to have been great for me.

I agree with Jythier on this! Definitely write in your bible, I find it helps and I've been to nondenominational church, one in particular that I attended on a reg basis and it was great!

I would recommend you not attend that church you visited because if the pastor can't even find the time to talk to you or have someone follow up with you, not a good sign!

My recommendation is to just try the ones closest to you, attend a service at each and see which one you feel more comfortable being at. It doesn't matter which one is more preacier, or who reads the bible more or who sings more....what matters is how you feel when you're there, did you learn something, do you feel at home, were you feeling the presence of the Lord?

Good luck with your search!
on Feb 26, 2007
Both non-denom churches I have been to were really into scripture, and have extremely good elders. Though I bet they would say it is God that is good to them.
on Feb 26, 2007
Haven't been to church in years. But If I were to start back, it's be to a Cowboy church. WWW Link I have friends that attend and it sounds like a cool place.
on Feb 26, 2007
If I attend church it's always a non-denominational church. Personally, I think all of the denominational splits and variations are mis-focused. But that's just me.

My favorite church is wherever I happen to be, all the time. It's the true original one. I believe it's called planet Earth.
on Feb 26, 2007
Have you ever been to It's a great site that respects all religions. They even have a cool feature called belief-o-matic which asks you questions about your belief and then tells you which religions/denominations most closely fit your beliefs.

I go to a Unity Church and I love it there. It feels like what I was looking for.

I hope you find a place of belonging.
on Feb 26, 2007
They even have a cool feature called belief-o-matic which asks you questions about your belief and then tells you which religions/denominations most closely fit your beliefs.

Wow Loca, I tried that and it said...

1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)
3. Theravada Buddhism (94%)
4. Hinduism (89%)
5. Neo-Pagan (89%)
6. Liberal Quakers (84%)
7. Sikhism (84%)
8. Jainism (82%)
9. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (68%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (68%)
11. Reform Judaism (68%)
12. Taoism (68%)
13. Islam (64%)
14. Orthodox Judaism (64%)
15. Secular Humanism (64%)
16. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (60%)
17. Orthodox Quaker (60%)
18. New Age (60%)
19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (52%)
20. Nontheist (46%)
21. Scientology (46%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (44%)
23. Eastern Orthodox (41%)
24. New Thought (41%)
25. Roman Catholic (41%)
26. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (36%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (28%)

on Feb 26, 2007
hahahah Shovel, I guess you won't be knocking on any doors anytime soon.

on Feb 27, 2007

So Shovel, you have 27 choices - what's it going to be?
on Feb 27, 2007
Here are my results, though I don't take much stock in it. A lot of the options didn't really fit with my beliefs so I picked the 'best' ones.

1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
2. Jehovah's Witness (90%)
3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (85%) this is where I fit I think
4. Bahá'í Faith (76%)
5. Sikhism (73%)
6. Orthodox Judaism (71%)
7. Liberal Quakers (70%)
8. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (67%)
9. Reform Judaism (67%)
10. Orthodox Quaker (66%)
11. Unitarian Universalism (65%)
12. Mahayana Buddhism (60%)
13. Islam (58%)
14. Theravada Buddhism (58%) - I've done some Theravada meditation but I don't see Buddhism as a religion
15. Jainism (55%)
16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%)
17. Hinduism (54%)
18. Neo-Pagan (52%)
19. Eastern Orthodox (46%)
20. Roman Catholic (46%) - this one should even be on the list!
21. Seventh Day Adventist (46%)
22. New Age (44%)
23. New Thought (43%)
24. Taoism (42%)
25. Scientology (40%)
26. Secular Humanism (39%)
27. Nontheist (22%)
on Feb 27, 2007
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)

There you go . . . shoot me your address and I'll get the missionaries over there ASAP.
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