or Do you believe in alternative medicine?
A friend of mine bugged me for a long time to go see her chiropractor. I thought it was just a bunch of bull, but I went to see him when my back started acting up again about a year ago. What I've come to realize is that he's much more than a chiropractor. He's a chiropractor, nutritionist, healer and a man of God. It's amazing what he can do. He's done a lot for me and now recently he treated my dog with huge success.
Over the past few months my dog has been reacting poorly to me returing to school. I haven't worked in a few years so he's gotten used to having me around the house much of the time. He started by having a nervous shake and was constantly running around the house with his tail between his legs. He would sit outside for hours, refusing to come in. Want to go into the basement and stay there all day. Be sitting around the house and just shaking with anxiety.
He got so bad that I finally took him to the vet. They did a "senior" workup on him as he's seven years old now and the vet says this is the time when they start showing signs of trouble. All the test result came back normal so the vet put him on doggy prozac. Which is very expensive ($50/month). I tried it for four weeks and told the vet it wasn't working. He said I should keep trying it for a few more weeks.
In the mean time I took the dog to the chiropractor and told him what's going on. He checked him all out as said he had a staff infection. I was doubtful about this because he had just had all the bloodwork performed and it didn't show any significat sign of infection, although his white blood cell count was on the high side of normal. So he gave me a supplement called Thymex for him to take three times a day. I was quite worried about the pills because they're for adult people and my dog is only 30lbs. But trusting that my Shaman knows what he's doing I decided to try it. I was very cautious for the first few days but I could see a change in his behavior almost immediately and took him off the 'prozac' Now I've taken him off of of the Thymex too and he's still doing fine. I have my happy-go-lucky dog back and it makes me so happy to see him acting like a spry pup again.
Welcome back Sparky! I've missed you.