I don't normally pressure my husband to do things that he doesn't like/want to do. He doesn't socialize much and I've pretty well accepted the way he is. It's so bad that he often retreats to his office as soon as the doorbell rings. He won't even answer the door for me. But Wednesday night I really had to lay it on him hard. I don't think I've ever pressured him more than that night. My next door neighbor, Sally, is 84 years old. She has almost 24-7 care in her home. I'm often 'on-...
Note: this is not related to anything that's going on here! I've noticed lately that a friend of mine, a very good friend, is very judgmental. I don't like it but I don't want to call her on it. I've tried to be subtle, but it hasn't worked. In one situation we were at the store and saw a couple that was very overweight. I notice them, but didn't make any judgment. She on the other had make a comment to me about them and how 'fat' they were. The thing is neither of us is skinny ...
I'm married. Been married for three years now. This is my second. The first one didn't work out due to the usual financial issues. I said I'd never get divorced, but the guy lost it when his mom died and I came home one day to find $25k in cc debt. Surprise, Surprise! How about you?