One of the Ten Commandments is: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor they daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabb...
I found a book on clearance at the Christian store and it was just what I was looking for - for less than $2.50! The title is The Everyday Guide to Prayers . It has a month long daily guide with two components for each day. First there's 'What to Pray' and then 'How to pray.' I've been reading and applying it for the past four or five days. It's really helped me to understand what I'm 'supposed' to be doing. Anyway here's what happened today: While my husband was out doing the groc...
Yesterday at the morning service I saw a man Baptised. It was done by full immersion. The pastor (in waders - which I thought looked pretty comical) covered the man's mouth and nose with a cloth and lowered him backwards down into the water until he was fully submurged and then lifted him back out again. So, it got me thinking about whether I'm really baptized or not. You see, when I was in 8th I went through confirmation classes at a Congregational Church. But it wasn'...
Situation: A friend, Sally, was married to a guy named Dave. They were both 21 when married and started having kids early on in their marriage. When Dave was 23 he started to show symptoms of schizophrenia. For three years after this they struggled and even had to be separated because Dave thought that his kids were aliens and he wanted to kill them. Eventually he killed himself. At the funeral Dave's brother told Sally, in from of her 6 and 4 year old children that Dave was in hell bec...
One of the many reasons that I fell away from the Church was because I was being too judgmental... and was also seeing too much judgment as well. In a time, as a young person (13-14) I needed the help of the pastor and youth pastor to get out of an abusive environment. Now granted the danger was not life threatening or anything like that, but it was serious enough that it severly affect my life. I asked them for help, while at the same time fearing the wrath of my parents for 'tellin...
Non-believers need not post. First, I want to let everyone know that this is not a debate. Anyone who argues with another poster will find their post deleted. I'm posting this question in an effort to learn. As such, your answer with supporting explanation/evidence would be most helpful to me. References to documents and/or the Bible would be helpful along with citations (this will give me more sources to explore). If your answer is simply what you believe, please feel free to state...
Non-believers need not post. First, I want to let everyone know that this is not a debate. Anyone who argues with another poster will find their post deleted. Who did Cain marry? If Adam and Eve populated to world then did Cain marry his sister? At what point did it become bad to marry a sister? Why? (Note: I'm not condoning incest) I'm posting this question in an effort to learn. As such, your answer with supporting explanation/evidence would be most helpful to me. References...
Non-beleives need not post. First, I want to let everyone know that this is not a debate . Anyone who argues with another poster will find their post deleted. What do you believe about creation? Is a day literally 24 hours? I'm posting this question in an effort to learn. As such, your answer with supporting explanation/evidence would be most helpful to me. References to documents and/or the Bible would be helpful along with citations (this will give me more sources to explore)...
I'm looking into churches in my area and I can't decide what to do. I don't know what denomination is the right one for me. Today I went to a Baptist church where a friend attends, but it just doesn't seem to fit me. I'd never been to a baptist service before. It was very different from any church I've been to - not that I've been to very many. I've been to a Catholic church a couple of times - didn't do anything for me. Went to a Lutheran church - the only thing I remember is that th...